How Having a Dog Can Impact Your Homeowner’s Insurance

The Impact of Owning a Dog on Your Homeowner’s Insurance

At MTC Insurance Agency Group of University Place, WA, we understand that many factors can influence your homeowner’s insurance premiums. These can include the age, size, and location of your home, the materials used in construction, the number of bedrooms, whether you have a fireplace or swimming pool, and even your credit rating. However, many are surprised to learn that owning a dog can affect their homeowner’s insurance coverage and rates.

How Does Your Dog Impact Your Homeowner’s Insurance?

Your adorable furry friend can potentially affect what you pay for home insurance. The reason behind this is liability coverage. Typical home insurance includes liability coverage if someone suffers an injury while on your property. This covers friends, family, neighbors, and even delivery personnel.

Common injuries that result in claims can range from tripping over poorly maintained pavement or a loose rug to falling down a flight of stairs. Even a dog bite can result in an injury claim.

While it might be hard to imagine your obedient canine friend causing harm to anyone, home insurance companies need to account for this risk. Some insurance providers even have provisions regarding breeds perceived as more aggressive.

It’s also worth noting that your dog doesn’t necessarily need to bite someone to potentially result in an accident injury claim. An excitable dog that startles a visitor causing them to trip or fall, could also lead to a liability claim.

The positive news is that your homeowner’s insurance could cover you for such a claim and even help with associated legal costs. However, it’s important that they’re aware you have a dog, and it’s included in your policy coverage.

Want to Learn More? Get in Touch with MTC Insurance Agency Group

To better understand the impacts of dog ownership on your homeowner’s insurance and ensure you’re adequately covered, contact us at MTC Insurance Agency Group of University Place, WA. We’re here to answer your questions and provide a no-obligation quote. Get started today by contacting us and ensuring you’re appropriately covered.